Two large highways frameworks worth more than 1 billion to be launched soon

The Midlands Highways Alliance Plus is planning to launch a £1bn framework for highways maintenance projects in the region.

The Medium Schemes Framework (MSF) Four will replace a third incarnation of the agreement, which had an estimated total value of £500m and is due to expire in July 2022.

There is no upper limit on the value of contracts that might be awarded through the new agreement, reports Construction News.

Projects procured through the new MSF will include highways improvements and maintenance, public realm works, canal works and drainage improvements. A contract notice inviting firms to submit their interest in bidding is expected to be published in April.

Elsewhere, a new £160m South East and Mid Wales Highways and Civil Engineering framework is being prepared. A market engagement event is planned for the week commencing 12 April where the proposed framework structure will be presented to interested companies.

The new framework will replace the existing £125m framework that is due to expire in December 2022. A contract notice for the new agreement is scheduled to be published in the autumn.

More soon.

This story was first published by: Construction News online.


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