Views sought on proposed new 20mph speed limits in Cambridge

From this week, Cambridgeshire County Council is inviting residents and businesses to have their say on a proposal to extend 20mph zones in Cambridge city.

A survey on the Consult Cambridgeshire website, seeking the public’s views about the proposal, is now open to everyone. It will close on 25 September.

There are already a number of 20mph roads within the city, the proposal is to extend 20mph limits to over 30 additional roads in the city.

Cambridgeshire County Council wants to hear from residents and businesses their views on the proposal.

As part of the Transforming Cities programme, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and Cambridgeshire County Council prioritised delivery of county-wide speed reduction measures including the implementation of 20mph speed limits in several towns across Cambridgeshire. As part of this programme, the council is seeking to extend the current 20mph speed limits in Cambridge.

Cllr Alex Beckett, chair of the Highways and Transport Committee at Cambridgeshire County Council, said: “One of our top priorities as a council is delivering better, safer and more sustainable journeys.

“Reducing speed limits from 30mph to 20mph can reduce the chance of a severe or fatal injury from collision by a staggering 60% and cut pollution by 30%.

“We also know that by creating safer streets in other lower speed limited areas, residents become more confident to go out walking and cycling or use other forms of non-motorised transport.

“Nearly 20 years ago Cambridge city introduced its first 20mph zones. They’ve been widely seen as successful and now we’re asking residents if they want to expand the number of 20mph streets within the city.

“We now want to hear from the public. What do you think of the proposals? Do we have the right streets included? Are the boundaries in the best places? These are some of the things we really want to hear from all those who live, work or study in the city. I would encourage everyone to respond so that we can listen to the feedback, which will help shape our future proposals to make roads and footways safer for all users.”

67,000 leaflets are being sent to households in Cambridge while 2,000 leaflets and posters have gone to community centres and libraries in the local area, and to the mobile library service, to encourage residents to take part in the survey.



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