Whole-system approach to ITS is needed to help drive decarbonisation, says WSP white paper

A whole-system approach to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is needed to achieve net zero ambitions.

That is according to a new white paper released by consultants WSP. Its whitepaper proposes a holistic perspective—one that considers people, processes, places, infrastructure, vehicles, technology and associated data—to advance comprehensive change as societies set targets and form pathways to achieve net zero ambitions.

The paper explores how intelligent transport system (ITS) expertise can accelerate the decarbonization of road transportation; the principles discussed also apply to other sectors within the overall transportation system.

It says that realising the benefits of ITS across transportation to enable decarbonisation requires a ‘structured approach, guided by several key factors, including the whole system approach, adaptability across the system lifecycle and delivering human-centric solutions.

“The application of technology with associated data is not the complete solution, as this process must be undertaken
alongside other elements of transportation systems—such as people, infrastructure and vehicles. This effort forms part of the ITS whole-system approach, to be consistently applied as system designers take steps to deliver targeted outcomes such as Vision Zero road safety and greener mobility, ” says the paper.

You can read and download the whole paper here: https://www.wsp.com/en-GL/insights/intelligent-transport-systems-enable-the-decarbonization-of-road-transportation?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=global-T%26I-ITS-2021


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