Wolverhampton highways getting technology upgrade

Nearly 28,000 street lights are to be converted to LED while new VMS signs and 5G-enabled speed cameras will be installed in a major upgrade of transport in Wolverhampton.

The Birmingham Mail reports that the move is part of a series of low-carbon projects aimed at saving costs and improving facilities in the city using digital technology.

The variable message signs will display warning messages to motorists while there’ll also be solar lighting along canal towpaths, contactless pedestrian crossings, pollution sensors and pedestrian and cyclist counters.

The news story quotes a report to the council in which Head of City Transport John Roseblade said, “The Smart Digital Infrastructure project is being funded by the council and the European Regional Development Fund.

“This will enable street lights to be transformed into smart, urban assets with sensors on the columns providing an opportunity to remote control a range of council operations.

“We are developing LED highways signs to display warnings and public information about car parks, road safety, traffic directions, local events and messages of national importance such as Stay at Home.

“Over £700,000 has been invested in cameras across the Black Country and these are now being enforced by West Midlands Police. The technology allows for speeds to be recorded over a length of road rather than in one spot,” he added.

“Also, in our city we have have in excess of 60km of cycle paths and have recently secured over £1m to enhance these through the Active Travel Fund.

“In addition to the cycle route running through Leicester Street, Queen Square and Darlington Street, there will be new dedicated routes on Ring Road St Peter’s and Wednesfield Road.”

(File picture – Yay Images)


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