£3million contribution towards Newark Southern Link Road

In a boost for local growth, Nottinghamshire County Council has given the green light to transfer £3m to Newark and Sherwood District Council (NSDC) to support the development of the Newark Southern Link Road scheme which will help unlock thousands of new homes and jobs in the area.

The new 5km road will connect the A1 at Balderton to the A46 at Farndon along the southern fringe of Newark and will help alleviate traffic pressures within the town, which has been a long-standing issue for residents and businesses. The road will also support the planned improvements to the Strategic Route Network managed by National Highways, including the A46 and A1 near Newark-on-Trent and improve the cycling and walking infrastructure in the area, helping more people to choose active travel to reduce their carbon footprint.

As well as providing a new route for traffic, the Newark Southern Link Road will also pave the way for a major transformation of Newark and its surroundings with the construction of Middlebeck, a sustainable urban extension that will offer a range of benefits for the local community. This includes up to 3,150 new homes and the potential to create up to 5,000 new job opportunities for the local area. The new development will also feature a new primary school, shops, restaurants, industry space, and 200 acres of green space for the community.

The County Council’s contribution of £3m will help secure an infrastructure package of £80m for the Newark Southern Link Road scheme, which has also received £20m from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund, £7m from the D2N2 LEP and £5m from Newark and Sherwood District Council.

The scheme is being delivered in phases by developer Urban&Civic. The first phase between Staple Lane and Bowbridge Lane has already been completed and the developers are currently on site at both ends of the route delivering the A46 to Bowbridge Lane element and linking the Southern Link Road from Staple Lane to the Great North Road just south of the A1 junction. The final connection at the A1 end is expected to be completed by the end of November 2024, with the remaining works scheduled to be finished by Summer 2026.

Councillor Neil Clarke MBE, Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, said: “We are delighted to approve this funding contribution to the Newark Southern Link Road project, which will deliver significant benefits for the residents and businesses of Newark and Nottinghamshire. This project will help ease congestion, improve connectivity, and support economic growth and housing development in the area. It also demonstrates our commitment to the Government’s Levelling Up agenda and our ambitions to improve transport infrastructure and attract investment in Nottinghamshire.”

Councillor Paul Peacock, Leader of Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “We are extremely grateful for the support from our colleagues at Nottinghamshire County Council to help deliver this significant project for Newark and surrounding communities. When finished, the road will help ease dreaded congestion and allow much-needed homes and employment opportunities to be delivered. It is a real testament to partnership working, spearheaded by the District Council, that we have reached this point.”   

Once fully operational, the new road will become adopted highway and the County Council will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance.



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