Amey wins street lighting contract in Inverclyde

Amey, has secured a new contract to repair and maintain street lights, road lighting and traffic sign lighting for Inverclyde Council.  

The one-year contract, with a potential one-year extension, will see Amey maintain the Council’s 13,000 street lights, 1,000 traffic sign lights and 600 items of ancillary electrical equipment.  

Amey has managed the street lighting maintenance service in Inverclyde since January 2014. The new contract builds on the success of previous contracts to deliver a responsive service for local communities, as well as supports the Council’s plans to continually review the energy-efficiency performance of the street lighting service. 

Councillor Michael McCormick, Inverclyde Council’s convener of environment and regeneration, said: “We’ve enjoyed a successful partnership with Amey now for over six years and we’re pleased to have them on board again to continue repairing and maintaining our large network of environmentally-friendly lights throughout our streets, roads and on signage. Lighting is one of the many council services we often take for granted but it’s hugely important in helping to keep our streets and roads safe to use. It’s even more crucial at this time of year with the nights rapidly drawing in.” 

Bruce Lunn, Account Manager for Amey, said: “We are delighted to be continuing our relationship with Inverclyde Council to deliver their street lighting maintenance, and support their ambitions to deliver an energy-efficient lighting service. Our long-term relationship with the council enables us to be responsive to the needs of local people, and we’re looking forward to further contributing to the ongoing safety of the local community through ensuring well-lit streets.” 

Amey currently operates street lighting services on a number of contracts, including for North Lanarkshire Council, East Renfrewshire Council, Transport Scotland, Highways England and several local authorities, managing over 510,000 street lights, illuminated signage and bollards across the country. Amey was one of the first organisations to adopt large-scale LED street lighting, and to date, has designed and installed in excess of 150,000 LEDs and retrofitted 100,000 LEDs on existing lighting columns. Amey is currently undertaking the upgrade of 100,000 lights to LED in Edinburgh and Bradford, to improve the energy efficiency of these street lights and reduce CO2 emissions.  

The new contract with Inverclyde Council started on 10th November 2020. 


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