Any motoring tax should not be at the expense of road maintenance

Any tax already levied on motorists needs to be invested into the UK road network to help deliver savings and efficiencies for effect asset management.

These are the thoughts of Paul Boss, Chief Executive of the Road Surface Treatments Association (RSTA) who was speaking following reports that the Chancellor , Rishi Sunak is considering plans for road pricing.

Mr Boss said: “With the move to electric and zero carbon vehicles, the current fuel duty system is on borrowed time and a new approach is required.

“However, initially the taxation already levied on motorists needs to be invested into the UK road network in order to realise the savings and efficiencies that can be realised by effective asset management and implementation of proactive programmes of maintenance.” 

Mr Boss pointed to the significant amount of taxation paid by motorists: “Fuel duty is a major source of tax revenue for the Government. In 2018/19 it generated some £28 billion for the Treasury. In addition to this vehicle excise duty brought in a further £6.5 billion.” He added; “Whatever future taxation system is implemented, it is important that a greater proportion of this taxation is invested into road maintenance to keep the network safe and ensure motorists do not feel that they are being short-changed.”


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