Asphalt preservation specialist, ASI Solutions and the Local Council Roads Improvement Group (LCRIG) is to hold a series of CPD accredited webinars over the summer giving councils a unique insight into how they can keep their roads in better condition for longer.
ASI’s Managing Director, Howard Robinson, will discuss asphalt preservation technology which has been used for many years around the globe for extending the service life of asphalt and which can play an integral role in helping local highway authorities with their Life Cycle Planning.
The roads sector is going through a period of rapid change and local highway authorities are constantly being challenged to develop asset management plans with ever diminishing resources.
Dr Robinson said: “At the heart of good asset management lies Life Cycle Planning which in its basic form means understanding the cost of treating a road and how long the chosen treatment will last (Service Life) and how often the same treatment can be re-applied.
“Traditional surface treatments are principally aimed at maintaining roads in amber condition (minor surface defects) or red condition (structural issues). However until now little attention has been given to maintaining roads in green or light amber condition and significantly minimising future maintenance costs. The green roads of today if left untreated will become the amber roads of tomorrow so in terms of life cycle planning and whole life cost savings it makes perfect sense to include green roads as part of an overall asset management strategy. If we don’t address how we maintain our network condition we will always be playing catch up and never get ahead of the game,” he added.
A well maintained network, says Dr Robinson, will also help the economy to recover more quickly and also help to address the climate emergency by reducing the carbon footprint of road maintenance.