Better use of road signs will help deliver safer active travel, says Coeval MD

Cyclists and other motorists will need more signs, and better use of existing signs, informing them of where new cycle lanes are on the road network as well as telling them about up-to-date traffic information, if the new wave of active travel measures are to be implemented safely and effectively.

This was the message from Richard Bevins, Managing Director of safety technology specialists, Coeval, who says signs could play an even more important role in the future of linking existing systems providing of data and information such as speed limits, weather stations and travel systems
to the travelling public to help keep them safe and better informed.

“During lockdown we have taken the positive steps as a company to review where we are, what we offer and where the market is going. If we can interface signs with third party systems that are offering crucial information that could be linked to signs on the network we can provide the best possible information to the travelling public-making them safer and well informed to help influence their behaviour on the network,” he told Highways News. “A good example would be use of portable
variable message signs or vehicle activated hazard, speed warning or indicator signs that could help keep cyclists and other motorists safe as the country looks to implement new cycle lanes as part of the Government’s commitment to more active travel,” he adds. “The travelling public are going to need as much information as possible as to where these cycle lanes are and where they start and finish,” he continues.

Meanwhile, Mr Bevins said that he had seen a rise in interest in the company’s over-height vehicle detection systems, as bridge strikes become more frequent around the UK. The company is continuing to work with haulage companies and road and rail operators to help reduce the number of strikes, making the road and rail networks safer as well as reducing disruption.

“We quickly realised that there are hundreds of bridges out there that aren’t protected in some way and sadly bridge strikes have become more common and we are passionate about making the road and rail networks safer by working with haulage companies and highway and rail organisations to find a better way of using technology to inform drivers that bridges on their routes are likely to be struck because of the height or weight of their vehicles and we are looking to work with anyone that can help us with that important mission,” says Mr Bevins.

As part of Coeval’s commitment to delivering infrastructure technology that advises and informs users to help create a safer environment for all, the company is hiring two Technical
Business Development managers, one to manage the develop of its portable traffic signs and VMS business and one to manage its electronic roadside equipment portfolio. Both jobs details can be obtained by emailing: [email protected] and will be available at:


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