Business leaders elected to ITS (UK) Strategy Committee

Leading business experts from Cubic Transportation Systems, Clearview Intelligence and Jenoptik have been elected by fellow Executive Members onto the ITS (UK) Strategy Committee.

Cubic’s Head of ITS Delivery David Powell, Clearview Business Development Consultant Neil Levett and Jenoptik Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins will join the committee, which scrutinises and evaluates strategic proposals from across the Society and submits recommendations to the organisation’s Council.

The Strategy Committee is led by ITS (UK) Vice Chair Karla Jakeman of Innovate UK who commented, “The Society is made up of public sector, consultancies and businesses, and it’s excellent news that three wise business heads in David, Neil and Geoff are joining the committee to work with representatives from the Secretariat and our Council Directors.  With technology key to the delivery of efficient, sustainable transport in the future, the Strategy Committee is a vital part of ITS (UK)’s ongoing commitment to support the industry.”

Her comments were echoed by new committee member Geoff Collins who said, “Intelligent Transportation Systems are key to our futures; both as individuals and as part of wider society.  In taking a place on the Strategy Committee, I’m keen to share my experience and be involved in further developing our industry.”

“The industry is changing rapidly, and the services provided by ITS (UK) are more important than ever,” added David Powell. “I look forward to assisting the Strategy Committee in delivering the organisation’s aspirations and supporting our industry and the companies and people that work within it.”

“I am very proud to have been elected to join the Strategy Committee of ITS (UK),” commented Neil Levett. “I look forward to assisting my fellow members in shaping the organisation’s future aims and objectives for the benefit of the sector and our membership.”

“The Strategy Committee is a vital team of people delivering the long-term vision of ITS (UK) to ensure we continue to be the voice of transport technology in the UK,” explained Secretary General Jennie Martin.  “In Geoff, Neil and David we have hugely experienced business leaders from different parts of our sector to really help us plan and deliver the service our members have come to expect, and furthermore improve it and attract new members from across the mobility sector.”

The Strategy Committee is made up of elected members plus the ITS (UK) Secretary General, Communications Manager, International Director, Finance Director, Membership Director, Communications Director, Technical Director and Young Professionals Director.

(Picture, David Powell, Geoff Collins, Neil Levett, courtesy LinkedIn/ITS (UK))


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