Central Bedfordshire alters contractors to £400 million highway works contract for the Eastern Highways Alliance

Central Bedfordshire Council has started the search for contractors on behalf of the Eastern Highways Alliance (EHA) for a highway works contract worth up to £400m.

A Prior Information Notice has been issued by the council which states that the EHA will be seeking contractors to undertake highways works including Structural Work, Surfacing, Road Works and Capital Schemes for Highways. The EHA is made up of several Local Authorities in the East of England. The procurement for this is being led by Central Bedfordshire Council on behalf of the current and any future members of the EHA.

The organisation has said that part of its research to develop the framework, it wishes to engage and invite contractors to contribute their current knowledge and experiences via supplier engagement taking place on Wednesday 13th September 2023. If you wish to be invited to the supplier engagement, to express your interest, please e-maileha@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk by Monday 4th September 2023.


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