Charity calls for “real leadership” on road deaths

The UK’s largest independent road safety charity, IAM RoadSmart, is calling for the Government to show “real leadership” to drive down death and injury on UK roads.

The call comes after latest DfT figures showed another year of no real improvement, revealing there were 1,748 reported road deaths in 2019, compared to 1,784 in 2018.

IAM RoadSmart says that, although this is welcome, a two per cent fall it marks an eight-year period of no significant reduction in deaths on UK roads. It means that on average almost five people are still dying on UK roads every day.

The charity’s Director of Policy and Research, Neil Greig called the results “embarrassing” and suggested quick wins could include graduated driver licensing, more traffic police, a new approach to older drivers and for the Health and Safety Executive to be able to insist on good driver risk management in UK business.


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