Costs to build new roads in Herefordshire on the rise due to social distancing

Costs to build new roads in Hertfordshire could be around an additional £11m due to social distancing.

Hertfordshire County Council are looking to continue developments for new roads on the A120, A603 and at Essex Road in Hoddesdon, according to the Watford Observer.

But due to social distancing restrictions, the costs for such developments is estimated to be an additional £11m from central government funding.

The additional £11m funding was part of the government’s increased funding for highways maintenance in England from £1bn to £1.5bn.

Cllr Phil Bibby, Executive Member for Highways and Environment, said: “At the start of the Covid-19 crisis, Central Government asked local authorities to continue construction work in order to mitigate some of the economic impact of lockdown. As a county council, we agreed that this was important and so have continued with our major projects on the A120, A602 and at Essex Road in Hoddesdon.

“Clearly, there is a financial implication associated with working in a way that ensures social distancing requirements are met and, at the time, Central Government committed to covering additional costs local authorities incurred during this period.

“However, we are still awaiting confirmation that the specific costs associated with major project construction will be met by Government.


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