Dundee to begin pavement parking enforcement

Dundee City Council is to begin issuing fines to drivers who park on pavements, double park or block dropped kerbs from next week (beginning 26 February).  

The new Scottish rules are designed to tackle the problems caused by inconsiderate parking, especially for people with mobility issues, visual impairments, and those with pushchairs.   

It is now an offence to park on pavements, double park, or park over dropped kerb pedestrian crossing points under the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019. 

Motorists are being reminded to park responsibly and with consideration for other road users.  

The city council’s team of Parking Attendants has been issuing warning notices to raise awareness among drivers since December last year, when new national Scottish regulations came into force.    

From next week, PCNs (Penalty charge notices) will be issued for the three new contraventions.   

The fine is £100 reduced to £50 if paid within 14 days of issue.  

Full details can be found on the council’s website here.

(Picture – Dundee City Council)


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