Dyer & Butler win RosPA Gold Award for health and safety values

Dyer & Butler, a part of M Group Services, has received a prestigious RoSPA Gold Award in recognition of ts health and safety values, practice and performance in the highways sector.

Organisations receiving a RoSPA Award are recognised as being world-leaders in health and safety practice. Every year, nearly 2,000 entrants vie to achieve the highest possible accolade in what is the UK’s longest-running health & safety industry awards.

Steve Broom, Safety, Sustainability & Training Director, Dyer & Butler, commented: “As the last eighteen months has shown, maintaining exemplary levels of health and safety within the workplace is just as important for the individual as it is to the company and a culture of excellence can be reached when the right balance is achieved. This recognition from RoSPA bears testament to the hard work and dedication of our people to reduce workplace hazards and accidents and, by doing so, continuing to be safe by choice, not by chance.”

Simon White, Highways Director, Dyer & Butler, commented: “This first RoSPA Gold Award for the Dyer & Butler Highways Team represents a significant milestone in our continuous pursuit of health and safety excellence. We are particularly delighted to receive this award in the context of the unprecedented challenges that our industry has faced during the pandemic period and we remain totally committed to ensuring that every person who works for us, or who comes into contact with our work, returns home safe and well each day. Moving forward, our commitment is to continue to drive and deliver outstanding health and safety performance across our operations in safety-critical highways environments.”

Julia Small, RoSPA Achievements Director, added: “The RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, making it one of the most sought-after achievement awards for health and safety worldwide. RoSPA is very proud of the achievements of its entrants, and with this award we recognise the best of the best, an organisation that has gone the extra mile for the delivery of safety in the workplace. Our RoSPA Award winners are central to achieving this goal, driving up standards and setting new safety benchmarks for organisations across the world.”

RoSPA has also recognised Dyer & Butler for its focus on health and safety in the aviation and rail sectors.


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