“Every business affected” by Fort William traffic congestion

Businesses in Fort William in Scotland are warning that traffic congestion is preventing them from expanding. Lochaber Chamber of Commerce said getting through the town had long been a problem but it was now at “crisis point”.

The Scottish government said it had plans for improving travel through the town, reports the BBC.

Fort William and the wider Lochaber area are known as the Outdoor Capital of the UK due to its landscape, which includes Ben Nevis and Glen Coe, and availability of outdoor sports.

Some of the worst congestion is on the A82, which runs through Fort William and connects the Highlands with central Scotland.

Local residents say journeys through the town that would normally take five minutes now take as long as 45 minutes. Lochaber Chamber of Commerce said it had met three different Scottish government transport ministers over the last six years in an effort to secure road improvements.

Chief executive Frazer Coupland told BBC Naidheachdan: “I don’t think there is a single business in Fort William it’s not affecting.

“Businesses are not sure whether to invest.”

BSW Timber said its sawmill in Fort William had the capacity to double the 500,000 logs it processed each year, but was unable to do so due to delays getting materials to the site.

Mr Coupland said: “The sawmill wants to invest and increase its production, but if getting its product in and out of the mill is a problem then maybe it has to look at investing elsewhere. That is really quite frightening.”

(Pic – Pauline Gebka)


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