Final chance to fill in survey on exports priorities and support the future direction of international engagement

ITS UK’s survey into key overseas markets, opportunities and barriers to trade for the intelligent transport sector, will be closing at the end of August, providing a final few days for individuals to response.

The project, supported by the Transport Technology Forum, is investigating which markets are the top priority for UK ITS businesses, with the aim of informing how Government and industry best support the sector in exporting more overseas.

ITS UK is asking businesses from across the industry to respond to a short 10-minute survey, providing information on their attitudes to exporting. The survey is for companies of all sizes, including those providing both products and services and is applicable to those who currently export and those that don’t.

The survey will feed directly into both ITS UK and TTF’s work, ensuring that those key markets of importance to the industry are prioritised with future trade missions, exhibitions and briefings.

The ITS Exports Study was launched at the Transport Technology Forum Conference in April and runs to the end of August. The results will be launched at a dedicated event at International Trade Week in November.

You can fill it in here

(Graphic – ITS UK)


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