Glasgow gets £4m grant to expand social distancing initiatives

The city of Glasgow’s been granted £4 million extra to spend on changing its transport network to leave more space for people to move about.

This latest development takes the total amount awarded to the council for Spaces for People initiatives to £7.5 million. It’ll be used to speed up expansion of temporary travel infrastructure projects that provide extra space for people to walk, wheel and cycle as lockdown restrictions ease.

In addition to widening footways in busier areas and the implementation of pop-up cycle lanes, there will be “Park and Pedal” and “Park and Stride” facilities at satellite car parks, along with the roll-out of additional pedestrian priority measures at traffic light controlled junctions.

Clearance of overhanging vegetation that can narrow footways across city neighbourhoods has also been identified as a practical way to make it easier to keep a safe distance from others when travelling actively. Other initiatives to be advanced include the expansion of School Car Free Zones.

(Picture – Glasgow Council YouTube video)


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