HE’s payments performance improves again

The strategic network will continue to operate as ‘close to business as usual’ with Highways England paying over 90% of its suppliers within five days in a bid to help support the supply chain during the C-19 pandemic.

In his latest statement to the supply chain, Malcolm Dare, Executive Director for Commercial and Procurement at Highways England said: “Our direction and guiding principles have not changed and we are continuing to operate as close to business as usual as possible so that we continue to keep the Strategic Road Network (SRN) operating to support the country, the economy and to flow cash to all tiers of the supply chain.”

Mr Dare said: “Prior to the start of C-19 Highways England were paying 74% of all correct invoices for work completed into suppliers bank accounts within 5 days. During w/c 13/04 and 20/04 this has increased to 94.3% and 97.5% respectively and we are looking to sustain this level of performance. During April we will have also paid a total of £490 million to suppliers in order to support supply chain cashflow, this is above the normal monthly levels. Please can you ensure that you also do the same so that cash flows to all tiers of the supply base.”

Mr Dare said that several major projects have been announced over the last few weeks including the Smart Motorways Alliance contract, the A66 design contract-which has entered the ‘standstill period’, the release of the Stopped Vehicle Detection OJEU along with the PIN for the Operations Scheme Delivery Framework and the A303 ITPD. “These are all significant activities that support the SRN in the short to long term and they have not stopped due to C-19,” said Mr Dare.

He reminded the supply chain that C-19 testing was now available for construction workers.


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