Importance of consistent traffic info highlighted in HE tweet

Highways England has had to take to social media to correct an apparently incorrect entry on Google Maps saying that the M4 was shut.

Possibly millions of drivers rely on the free mapping service for their traffic routing, as it mixes sat nav directions with live traffic to suggest the quickest routes.

However yesterday Highways England spotted that there was a report on the maps that said the M4 was shut in the Langley and Slough areas west of the M4’s junction with the M25.

“We’re aware @googlemaps are showing a number of full road closures (#M4 J4b-J5 both ways , #A1M J1-J3 both ways, #M25 J26-J25 and J8-J7 anti-clock, #M25/#M3 link roads) until 28th May,” Highways England tweeted. “We’re working to get this addressed. All these sections of road are FULLY OPEN at this time.”

One user tweeted back, “Thank you, was about to go the long way home haha”.

It’s clear that live traffic information within sat navs not only helps drivers take the quickest route, but also for roads authorities who see demand levelled across their network. However, this case highlights the need to get correct information shared as much as possible.

(Picture – Highways England twitter)


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