Leadership isn’t just about the individual, it’s about the team, says Martin Duffy on this week’s Highways Voices

Forming a team with the best people around them that have different talent is one of the most important attributes of being a good leader, according to LCRIG Chief Executive and NY Highways Chair, Martin Duffy.

He has been speaking as part of this week’s Highways Voices podcast. Mr Duffy said that good leaders are the ones that can produce a robust vision for a organisation and develop a platform to deliver that vision on.

Mr Duffy said: “A good leader should be fully of energy with different attributes that including providing a vision, developing a strategy to drive it through and stick with it during the tough times.”

But leadership isn’t just about what you do internally, it is what you externally that is important as well. “At LCRIG the most important thing is listening to our members and acting on it which we have done successfully with Project Amber and then the work at NY Highways is all about delivering a excellent, cost effective service where we aren’t slave to targets but focused on outcomes.”

You’ll also hear a round-up of the week’s news including two in-person events and why DPD and ENSO win this week’s “Adrian’s Accolade”.

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