Local authorities invited to attend electric vehicle infrastructure planning workshop

Local authorities are being invited to attend an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Planning Workshop which is being put on by the Zemo Partnership.

Shamala Evans-Gadgil, EV Project Manager at Coventry City Council and Chair of the Transport Technology Forum’s (TTF) EV Working Group will be speaking at the event.

Sales of electric vehicles in the UK are soaring – one in five new cars are now either fully electric or a plug-in hybrid. With this surge in popularity comes an urgent need to ensure there is public charging infrastructure capable of supporting this growth, both now and in the future.

There are two key priorities for local authorities to consider:

  • Public chargepoint provision needs to be in the right place to be used and useable
  • There needs to be coordinated, consumer focused approach to transport and energy planning at a local, regional and national level.

Zemo Partnership, in collaboration with Coventry City Council, are inviting Midlands based councils to participate in a day long workshop on the 27th July to discuss the issues being faced by local authority personnel that have been tasked with rolling out EV infrastructure in their area; sharing best practice and establishing a network of contacts with counterparts in neighbouring authorities as well as those involved from the DNO and national bodies that can provide assistance.

If you are able to participate in this workshop being held at Coventry University on the 27th July, please register your details at the link below:



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