Mayor of London can install ULEZ cameras in Essex boroughs without their permission, government says

The Mayor of London has the power to install cameras for a planned expansion of ULEZ without permission from councils in Essex, the government has said. As the debate rages on over the planned expansion of the ultra low emission zone, a row as broken out between Transport for London and councils in Essex where the expansion could reach.

Sadiq Khan’s intention to expand London’s ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) means people living on the fringes of Essex and the capital might now have to pay an additional charge. If the plans go ahead, drivers within the zone will have to pay a £12.50 daily fee from August 29 if their vehicles do not meet the required standards, reports Essex Live.

The controversial plans could still be blocked after the High Court granted permission for five Conservative-run London and Home Counties councils to bring forward a legal challenge. It comes after the court agreed there was sufficient evidence to support two of the key claims.

Bexley, Bromley, Harrow, Hillingdon and Surrey Councils all joined together to bring a civil case against Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, as the chair of Transport for London (TfL) over his decision to expand the £12.50 daily ULEZ charge, even though they and many of their residents are deeply opposed.

However, Transport Secretary Mark Harper told the House of Commons that Transport for London does have the powers to install the infrastructure needed to expand the ultra-low emission zone.

Speaking in the commons on Thursday (April 20), Conservative Gareth Bacon (Orpington) said: “Several outer London boroughs have refused to enter into section eight agreements with Transport for London (TfL) to allow ULEZ cameras to be installed on their roads.

“Sadiq Khan believes that he can over-ride the boroughs and install his hated Ulez expansion without their permission. Ministers have previously said that they would get legal advice on this – what advice has been received?”

Mr Harper responded: “Under schedule 23 of the Greater London Authority Act, the Mayor of London and Transport for London do have the relevant statutory powers to install the infrastructure required for the expansion without obtaining London borough’s consent.

“So, I think that really reinforces my earlier answer, which is the Mayor of London is accountable, and if electors in London don’t like what’s going on they have the power to deal with it at the ballot box.”


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