Opinion: How to build a strong foundation for asset investment planning

By: Nick Vague, Senior Solutions Consultant, Brightly Software

Asset investment planning (AIP) is more than a buzzword. It’s an approach that empowers local authorities to transition from reactive to proactive asset management. Why is this important?

As it stands, UK councils face the complex challenge of managing a diverse range of assets within their boroughs and counties, in order to keep their communities safe. This multitude of assets can range from roads, drains and bridges, to parks, street lighting and waste facilities and even, in some cases, cemeteries. However, managing these assets effectively presents a significant challenge, especially when facing budgetary constraints and aging infrastructure.

Many local authorities today find themselves in a cycle of reactive maintenance, addressing issues as they arise with little to no planning. While this approach serves sufficiently as a temporary solution, it often results in increased costs, unplanned downtime and decreased asset reliability.

At Brightly Software, we’re striving to help local authorities establish a foundational understanding of their infrastructure. To do this, we offer intelligent solutions that provide a structured alternative to the cycle of reactive maintenance; instead, they enable local authorities to build a foundation for proactive, efficient and sustainable asset management.

So, what are the steps councils need to take to obtain a foundational understanding of their infrastructure? How can they achieve and implement a proactive asset management strategy?

1. Create an asset register

This will enable local authorities to move beyond fragmented asset management processes and start tracking all of their assets with a single system. This clarity will not only facilitate smarter, data-driven decision making, it can also help to highlight redundant or underutilised assets, save time and free up valuable resources.

2: Identify the condition of assets

This is essential for prioritising maintenance activities and ensuring assets’ longevity. With this level of visibility, councils can better prioritise which assets require the most attention, allowing maintenance efforts to be targetted to where they will have the most impact.

3: Understand asset valuation

Accurate asset valuation can help local authorities to carry out financial reporting and obtain clarity on each assets’ depreciation, thereby allowing for informed decision-making. By understanding the lifecycle of each asset, councils can allocate funds more strategically and avoid overspending.

We, the Brightly team, are able to customise a digital asset management solution that fits your local authority’s needs. To learn more, visit: www.brightlysoftware.com/en-gb/industries/government



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