Re-flow Field Management Software celebrate successful SH L!ve

The Re-flow team recently exhibited their award-winning field management software for highways, traffic management, surfacing and linemarking at SH L!ve at the East Midlands Conference Center in Nottingham, the industry’s only sector-specific health and safety event.

With over 80 clients in the industry, including Colas, Highway Traffic Management and Premier Traffic Management, highways has historically been of great importance to the business. Being the industry Re-flow originally debuted in, the team finds it crucial to continue making new contacts within the industry, as well as maintaining existing ones. With a focus on health and safety, this event was the perfect opportunity to showcase how Re-flow is equipped to help businesses master their HSE management.

Re-flow offers numerous, interconnected features that can help managers and administrative staff enforce strict HSE compliance. At the core of that is the system’s form functionality. Users can select from a catalogue of over 40 pre-built forms, including dynamic risk assessment, vehicle checks and RAMS. These forms can be equipped with mandatory fields that enforce processes and bar operatives from progressing further if important information is not submitted. For an added layer of detail, each form is tagged with a unique digital signature that identifies the operative submitting, as well as the time, date and their location.

Forms aren’t just limited to the out-the-box catalogue, however. The system also offers a block-based form builder that enables users to customise existing forms or build new ones from scratch, all to regulatory standards. This enables businesses to transition to Re-flow seamlessly and integrate the software without uprooting existing processes. In fact, users can go a step beyond and use submitted forms to enable automated workflows that further streamline tedious administrative processes and enable teams to do more with their time.

In classic Re-flow fashion, visitors to the stand were treated to an impromptu magic trick from theatrical pickpocket and magician, Lee Thompson, as well as an opportunity to customise and collect their own LEGO minifigure. Aside from bringing some excitement to the stand, it’s always a great opportunity for the team to establish new contacts within the industry and introduce more professionals to Re-flow’s field management software.

These events don’t just stop at establishing new contacts, however. As always, industry trade shows are the perfect opportunity to catch up with existing clients face-to-face. The team had a great time touching base with Greg Clarke from QMS and Matt Turner from Premier Traffic Management, both of whom Re-flow’s film crew recently visited, documenting their day-to-day processes with the software. The team also took the chance to chat with the teams from Colas, Breedon Group and Kiely, who were putting their industry-leading services on full display.

Re-flow’s year on the road is slowly coming to a close, with only a few events left. Find where they’re headed next by checking their full event roadmap.


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