Scottish Government committs £3.2 billion for transport as part of its 2021/22 budget

The Scottish Government has committed £3.2 billion for transport as part of its latest budget for 2021/22 to help deliver a clean, efficient and connected network.

This includes record funding of £100.5 million for active travel as part of on-going investment over the next five years. Also, £120 million will be spent over the next five years on air quality and the country’s transition to zero emission buses.

Alongside this, £825.9 million will be spent on the motorway and trunk road network. This includes £135.4 million for roads depreciation projects, £46.3 million for general rad improvements and £106.9 million for routine and winter maintenance with £100 million allocated for structural repairs.

Elsewhere, the budget committs £245.5 million for concessionary fares, £4.9 million to develop smartcards, £4.3 million for road safety and £11.85 million for future transport projects.

The central government grants to local authority spending plans include; £23.9 million for cycling, walking and safer routes, £19.2 million for ferries and £15.3 million for the Regiona Transport Partnership fund.

The Budget statement said: ” This Scottish Budget is like none before it, and is informed by the experiences and impacts of the past twelve months. The pandemic, and the necessary public health measures, have had a significant cost. It has taken a heavy toll on countless people, and we have lost too many lives, each one a personal tragedy. This health crisis has in turn brought devastating consequences for the economy, impacted on education, learning, and life opportunities, and taken a toll on our communities and individuals.

“As we have since the start of the pandemic, the Scottish Government will respond quickly and decisively to tackle the continued threats of the virus, while doing all we can to secure social and economic recovery, and support our collective wellbeing. We are fully utilising every resource and lever at our disposal to achieve the greatest possible impact.”

The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Kate Forbes said: “The publication of Scottish Budget 2021-22 comes almost one year on from the first case of COVID-19 being notified in Scotland. We have, tragically, lost many lives. Since then, our society, economy and way of life have undergone significant change – even now, that process of change continues, as we deal with the ongoing impacts of the pandemic during a severe second wave and face the challenge of new variants.

“The exceptional circumstances in which the Scottish Government is bringing forward this Budget demand an exceptional response. The Budget delivers continued, urgent measures to control the virus and protect our economy and people, while supporting the roll-out of the vaccine as quickly and as safely as possible.

“The experience of the last year, however, has also laid bare the need to do things differently. This is a Budget to provide help in the immediate term, but also to rebuild a fairer, stronger, and greener economy.”


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