Somerset Council on the search for surfacing contractor

Somerset Council is looking for a surfacing contractor that will ‘facilitate a flexible mechanism’ to identify and implement innovative services, solutions, promote recycling and re-use, and reduce the environmental impact of the services delivered throughout the lifetime of the contract.

The contract will support the Client’s Climate Emergency Strategy and commitment to being carbon neutral by 2030, said the council.

According to the tender document, the contractor will deliver an annual, rolling programme of highway surfacing schemes across the local highway network managed by the council.

This programme forms part of the council’s wider programme of capital funded works to maintain the condition of the highway network and fulfil its duty as the highway authority for Somerset.

Estimated to be worth £50 million, the contractor will be expected to meet the following objectives:

• A network that is adapted and resilient to climate change with a reduced carbon output, both in usage and maintenance to contribute to the commitment for Somerset to be carbon neutral by 2030.

• A safe, serviceable, and sustainable network that is fit for purpose for all users under all conditions and supports the development of the local economy.

• A service based on the intelligent client model that develops and sustains collaborative partnerships that deliver the objectives of all partners.

• A flexible and agile service that attracts and retains the best people and embraces best practice and new technologies to enable innovation.

• Sustain a financially resilient service that adopts robust asset management principles and delivers best value with the resources available.

• Optimise service efficiency and maximise income from commercialisation and external funding.

• A service that maximises social value and provides valuable local opportunities for individuals and businesses.

• An informed community that has high public satisfaction and is engaged and enabled to do more for themselves.

The deadline for the tender is September 1 and more information is at: Surfacing Term Maintenance Contract 2024: | Construction Tenders | The Construction Index


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