Stamp It Out Campaign launches first online virtual summit

Stamp It Out, the industry-led campaign aiming to put an end to roadworker abuse, will hold its first online summit-Why Stamp It Out Now?

The aim of this online virtual summit is to give the broader industry, client and local and national government an insight into the scale of the problem and the cause of action the public highways sector has taken to eliminate the risk.

This is the latest in a series of webinars organised by Safer Highways around ‘protecting our people’.

Featuring a host of industry leaders from many major tier 1 and tier 2 contractors the online summit, to be held on the 10th February 2021 will serve as the final push for our online petition to reclassify road workers and award them key work status.

The Highways Sector’s collective Stamp it Out petition to government aims to amend the law around ensuring our Roadworkers are now classified as key workers and afforded the same protection as emergency services.

Road worker abuse is a growing concern on both the local and strategic road networks in the UK as well as the wider highways and transport sectors, affecting the physical and mental health and wellbeing of workers on an alarmingly regular basis. Past incidents have been so severe, they have involved knives, shotguns and crossbows being pulled on workers as they go about their daily tasks.

The official government petition needs 10,000 signatures before the subject will be considered receive a response from parliament and the Safer Highways industry led initiative is calling on more of the industry to help us to reach the target before our deadline of March.

The online summit will also act as a preview to the full strategy launch which will happen as part of respect our roadworkers week in June 2021. Places at the summit will be strictly limited and those interested in attending are advised to register early.

Who should attend:

*Anyone responsible for carrying out works in a safe manner across the highways network

*Safety Directors and Heads of HSW

*Operations Directors and Managers

*Chief Executives

*Early Careers

*Contract Managers

*Anyone with responsibility for managing the health & safety of their workforce.

Click here to register for the event: Webinar Registration – Zoom


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