Orwell Bridge variable speed innovation declared a success

A system which reduces the speed limit on the Orwell Bridge near Ipswich has meant the key route on the A14 has remained open in strong winds when in the past it would have had to be shut. The scheme involves new SWARCO-built electronic signs on the bridge displaying enforceable, changeable driver speed limits, mandating […]

Jenoptik’s red light enforcement camera approved

Automated enforcement specialists Jenoptik Traffic Solutions UK have received Home Office Type Approval for a new Red Light enforcement system which uses a stand-alone camera to spot violations at signal-controlled junctions. Unlike other devices on the market, the VECTOR SR Red Light operates in a “non-invasive” way, removing the need for loops or strips in […]

Jenoptik predicts “significant and profitable growth” in 2021

Global optical technology company Jenoptik has announced it ended the 2020 reporting year with a strong fourth quarter and was able to significantly increase profitability in 2020. It says this positive development was supported by sustained high demand from the semiconductor equipment industry, the acquisition of TRIOPTICS and a largely stable capital spending by public […]

PACTS asks ITS (UK) for approvals feedback

The UK’s enforcement technology industry is being urged to give feedback on aspects of legislation and approvals that it feels could be improved. At a meeting of the ITS (UK) Enforcement Forum, David Davies, Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety suggested that there may be shortcomings in the Home Office Type […]

Average speed cameras from Jenoptik go live on M4 in South Wales

A new average speed camera scheme delivered by leading ANPR camera company Jenoptik Traffic Solutions goes live on the M4 in South Wales today (Monday 15 March). A total of 32 new SPECS cameras have been installed along the 15 mile stretch of the M4 through Gwent between junction 24 at The Coldra to junction 28 […]

Business leaders elected to ITS (UK) Strategy Committee

Leading business experts from Cubic Transportation Systems, Clearview Intelligence and Jenoptik have been elected by fellow Executive Members onto the ITS (UK) Strategy Committee. Cubic’s Head of ITS Delivery David Powell, Clearview Business Development Consultant Neil Levett and Jenoptik Deputy Managing Director Geoff Collins will join the committee, which scrutinises and evaluates strategic proposals from […]

Jenoptik cameras go live in Coventry

Four average speed cameras are switched on a notorious road in Coventry today. The Jenoptik system will enforce speeds along Longford Road where a pedestrian died in a hit and run in 2019. ANPR cameras are also on Bell Green Road, Burnaby Road and Ansty Road. Cllr Patricia Hetherton, cabinet member for city services, told […]

Highways Voices hears enforcement authorities must earn compliance

The latest Highways Voices podcast from Highways News features an in-depth interview with one of the UK’s leading experts on enforcement, who explains how to make sure the public support technology to ensure compliance on the road. Listen here. Assistant Managing Director Geoff Collins of Jenoptik told hosts Paul Hutton and Adrian Tatum that enforcement […]


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