Tarmac highlights sustainability performance with 2021 report launch

Tarmac, the UK’s leading sustainable building materials and construction solutions company, has highlighted its commitment to creating a more sustainable built environment with the online publication of its new 2021 Sustainability Report.

The report sets out the positive progress the business has been making against its key targets, including the ways that whole-life thinking is driving the delivery of more sustainable solutions for its customers, stakeholders and communities.

Dr Martyn Kenny, sustainability director at Tarmac, said: “Against the backdrop of the climate emergency, prioritising the way we manage and grow our business in a responsible and sustainable way is more important than ever before.

“This year’s report is the first of our new sustainability strategy which sets out the latest phase of our sustainability journey, covering the next 10 years and beyond.  It contains a clear focus on the importance of taking a whole-life approach when sourcing, manufacturing and delivering innovative, sustainable solutions.

“We remain committed to working towards our robust targets together to deliver improved environmental, social and economic outcomes for the UK.”

The commitments and targets set out in Tarmac’s report were developed in collaboration with an external panel, which independently advises the company on its approach to sustainability.

This year’s publication highlights the company’s performance against its milestones, which are underpinned by three key themes of People, Planet, and Solutions.

Key achievements outlined in the report include:

·       Contributing over 2,000 volunteer hours to support local communities

·       77 trained mental health first aiders

  • Recycling over 7.2 million tonnes of waste and secondary materials from other industries and 92% of the waste produced across Tarmac operations
  • Over 911,000 tonnes of recycled asphalt planings used in new asphalt
  • Securing Clear Assured Silver status for inclusion and diversity
  • Responsibly managing more than 187,000 acres of land under the company’s stewardship, with over 80 sites designated as having high biodiversity value
  • Introducing 50% recycled plastic into packaging
  • More than 90% of the HGV fleet being Euro 6 compliant

To read the report and find out more about Tarmac’s approach to creating a long-term, sustainable social and economic future for the UK, please visit: https://sustainability-report.tarmac.com/


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