The Shadow Roads Minister, new signals technology and some Virtual Reality on Highways Voices from Highways UK

After hearing from the Roads and Local Transport Minister on Highways Voices yesterday, you can hear from his Shadow Bill Esterson MP on today’s Highways Voices from Highways UK 2023 today.

These are brought to you thanks to the sponsorship of AGD Systems and Traffic Group SignalsKiely BrosRe-flowStantec and Yunex Traffic.

In the third podcast from the NEC this week you’ll also hear from Yunex Traffic about new traffic control technology, an AI-powered radar produced by AGD Systems, new technology from Stantec and also some Virtual Reality on the SWARCO stand, from Core Highways and about a major event coming to the NEC in four years’ time.

We have so much more content to fit in, that there’ll be an extra Highways Voices with Highways UK content next week.

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