TTF Conference hears that technology needs to be factored in from the start of transport planning

One of the UK’s leading suppliers of Intelligent Transport Systems is urging local authorities to remember to factor technology into its transport planning from the start.

Speaking at the Transport Technology Forum Conference in Leeds, Peter Cattell Head of Technical Sales at Clearview Intelligence commented that often ITS is an afterthought, even though product design decisions can be critical.

In a presentation called “From Policy to Pavement”, he called on councils to design their transport solutions with the total solution in mind, using clear data to support the outcomes.

Mr Cattell asked how can anyone be sure that the policies are being implemented, are they having the desired effect and what can SMEs do to help.  He analysed how the private and public sectors work together to solve transport challenges and ask how things can be done better and more efficiently to deliver solutions quicker and more effectively.

Clearview’s solutions were explained, including its environmentally-friendly SolarLite solar-powered LED road studs for emission-free delineation, and wired Intelligent Road Studs for intersection safety, through its Connex Active real-time Pedestrian and Bicycle Classifier to its cutting-edge Insight multi-modal smart mobility platform.

(Picture – TTF)


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