TTF offers fully funded annual conference places

The Transport Technology Forum is providing representatives from local authorities fully funded places to its annual conference, including meals and accommodation.

The Transport Technology Forum Conference 2022 – We Can Work It Out, sees the return of the annual in-person Conference and will be held at the Marriot Hotel in Liverpool from 17-19 May.  The conference will focuss on how technology will help solve the challenges facing transport in the UK, as the country moves to Net Zero.  It includes meetings of its six Technical Working Groups, keynote presentations about national transport strategy from government, and responses from suppliers and local authorities.

Several high-profile speakers will be attending, including Chris Boardman, Interim Active Travel Commissioner at Active Travel England, who will be finding out how technology can help increase the take-up, and safety, of active travel options.

Using sponsorship revenue from the private sector, local authorities will be able to send a representative who will receive a place at the two-day conference and an invitation to networking events, including the conference dinner.

“The TTF acts as a bridge between Central and Local Government, so it is vital that we get as many authorities along as is possible,” commented TTF Manager Darren Capes of the Department for Transport.  “Our ability to offer these fully-funded places is thanks to our partner LCRIG – the Local Council Roads Innovation Group. As LCRIG is a community interest company, all sponsorship generously received from the private sector is being re-invested into the Conference to enable representatives from local government to attend.”

Each local authority has been contacted with details of the event and how to register an interest for one of the fully funded places available.  Sponsorship and exhibitor packages are still available. For more information, please contact TTF at [email protected]

(Picture – TTF)


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