WSP is appointed to SPATS2 Framework for technical services by Highways England

WSP, working in partnership with Mott MacDonald, has been appointed by Highways England to a four-year framework for Specialist Professional and Technical Services (SPaTS2).

The framework will support Highways England’s delivery of the RIS2 programme, guided by the imperatives of: Safety, Customer and Delivery.

Successful in ‘Lot 1: Technical Services’ alongside five other suppliers, this appointment follows 14 years of continuous support to Highways England through previous versions of the SPaTS Framework.  The WSP|MM supplier group, comprises of over 40 companies and universities, including many SMEs, has provided Highways England with access to technical specialists and researchers since 2006, 

The WSP|MM supplier group is led by a Supplier Group Board formed of Ramboll, KPMG, Risk Solutions and the University of Cambridge, to provide leadership and ensure collaboration, inclusivity and innovation across the combined team. 

The framework can be used by a range of public bodies including the Department for Transport, Transport for London, HS2, Metropolitan Combined Authorities and local authorities to access the skills available in the WSP|MM supplier group.

Ian Patey, Head of Profession for Intelligent Transport and WSP Framework Director, said: “WSP has supported Highways England on the SPaTS and predecessor frameworks for 14 years and has built an enviable group of specialist supplier-partners. Collaborating across our supplier-partner group will ensure we deliver innovation and value for money for Highways England, DfT and all our clients on SPaTS2, whilst enabling small and medium-sized businesses and universities to bring their specialist skillsets.”


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