Yunex Traffic win starring role in Dutch infrastructure project

The Dutch Rijkswaterstaat has awarded the contract for the prestigious Tilburg 3 (TB3) project to the Orion Consortium, a combination of Istimewa Elektro, Mourik Infra, and Yunex Traffic.

This strategic infrastructure project is a comprehensive renovation and maintenance project for the waterways in North Brabant and Central Limburg. This project, which is part of the national Replacement & Renovation (VenR) program, will contribute crucially to the modernization and sustainability of the infrastructure in this region over the coming years.

In the TB3 project, the focus is on disciplines such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and industrial automation. The work, scheduled from 2025 to 2029, includes the renovation and renewal of technical installations at water regulation works, sluice chambers, and movable bridges. The goal is to make these objects not only technically up-to-date but also safer and more sustainable. The planned work includes renewing various types of drives, replacing cameras, and modernizing sound and VHF radio installations.

With the TB3 project, an important step is taken towards ensuring the daily proper functioning of the sluices, movable bridges, and water regulation works in the region. This renovation is crucial for the smooth passage on the waterways and the accessibility of the container terminals and class IV waterways, thereby supporting the economic vitality of North Brabant and Central Limburg.

“We are delighted to carry out this important assignment for Rijkswaterstaat,” says Jos Thijs, project manager of TB3 on behalf of Orion. “This award confirms the trust that Rijkswaterstaat has in our joint expertise and innovative solutions in the composition we call Orion.”

Orion will start the execution of the work at the beginning of 2025. The work involves multi-year preventive and corrective maintenance, the maintenance, and also the renovation of various objects. The Orion combination is responsible for the planning, implementation, and maintenance of all technical components and advanced systems. The Area includes movable objects (bridges, locks, pumping stations, and water regulation works), a number of fixed objects, and the Tilburg Control Center from which objects of the North Brabant and Central Limburg canals are operated remotely.


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