Crawley: Bus lane to be extended as part of the Manor Royal highway improvement scheme

The final phase of the Manor Royal Improvement Scheme, which will extend the eastbound bus lane on Manor Royal Road, is set to begin work in February 2025.

This third and final phase follows on from works completed in September 2023 which provided improvements to Manor Royal Road, including to the public realm on Manor Royal/Gatwick Road roundabout, a brand-new
eastbound bus lane and carriageway resurfacing.

The extension of the eastbound bus lane will provide a dedicated bus route that connects the A23 London Road with Gatwick Road This phase of works is expected to be completed in September 2025.

The bus lane extension is part of the County Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan, which is funded by a grant from the Department for Transport. It is designed to enhance the reliability of local bus services and reduce passengers’ journey times. The works will also aim to improve infrastructure durability and reduce maintenance cost over several years.

The Manor Royal Improvement Scheme is a partnership between West Sussex County Council, Crawley Borough Council and Manor Royal BID and is part of the Crawley Growth Programme.

Councillor Joy Dennis, Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport said: “Extending the bus lane significantly enhances the reliability of our bus services and aims to improve journey times for passengers. It also
allows for buses to navigate efficiently around traffic congestion during peak hours.

“Enhancing our bus services and improving access for residents and businesses alike contribute greatly to our Council priority of supporting a sustainable and prosperous economy for all in West Sussex.”

Pic: Mapillary


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