Highways England’s scheme delivery framework open for tenders

Highways England’s scheme delivery framework is now open for tenders, with the £3.6 billion, six-year contract offering 161 places, split into four different bands.

The new contract covers renewal, improvement and small construction scheme works and is designed to provide continuity between Highways England’s next two Roads Investment Strategy (RIS) time frames.

The framework is broken down into four bands covering 16 lots. Band A covers general civil engineering while Band B covers road restraint systems and fencing, with both of these divided into large and smaller regional sub-lots. Band C covers road lighting and electrical; structures waterproofing and expansion joints; technology (including traffic signals); structures, structural services and concrete repairs and lastly, Band D includes lots relating to design services.

“Works for schemes have been divided into a number of workstreams that align with the contractors’ specialisms, and will also include design. Bandings have been introduced into the framework model to differentiate some contracting terms between bands,” said Highways England’s contract notice.

The deadline for submissions set as 10 September and further information can be found  here.


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