JCT gives first details of September’s Symposium programme

The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence in traffic management will be studied in detail at this September’s popular JCT Traffic Signals Symposium in Nottingham.

Marc Roberts of Simplifai Systems will be joined by a speaker from Hull City Council to give a case study into an AI solution, born out of space exploration techniques, that has been applied to address and improve complex traffic congestion in Hull.  Delegates will hear how the AI-based system utilises existing traffic data to create dynamic models of the traffic, allowing a spectrum of approaches to be applied through traffic signal timing adjustments.

Meanwhile Dutch company Monotch make their first appearance at the Symposium, to talk about the Talking Traffic programme, and exchange of C-ITS messages with Traffic Light Controllers.  The standard was developed in a workgroup to facilitate the large-scale rollout of TLC use cases based on long-range communication, such as Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory, Time to Green, and Traffic Signal Priority.

These are just two of 21 papers confirmed for the event.  Other contributors include 4way Consulting, TRL, Coventry City Council, Transport for London, Transport for Greater Manchester, Pleydell Technology Consulting,  Chris Kennet Consulting, SWARCO, Yunex Traffic and National Highways.

There are two fascinating presentations about lessons learned overseas, in Cyprus and Western Australia, while the keynote speaker is Government Security Advisor showing

the range of malicious threats facing sites and sectors and the vulnerabilities that can be mitigated by forethought and the design and specification of proportionate countermeasures.  It will also show the security-mindedness required of professionals.

“I thought last year’s Symposium programme was the best ever, but I’m going to suggest this year’s is even better,” commented JCT Director John Nightingale who is organising the event.  “You often go to events and year what might happen in the future, but we will hear about a range of cutting-edge solutions that are actually happening that can be used now to make traffic management safer, greener and more efficient.”

With the delegate and hotel package proving extremely popular this year, those planning to join the Symposium are advised to book early to ensure they get their chosen accommodation in one of two hotels – the Crowne Plaza and Ibis – within walking distance of the venue.  This year, in order to support knowledge sharing among more people, the Symposium is introducing a 70% discount off tickets for up to three Early Careers Professionals from any organisation.  That means they pay £110 each, a discount of £270 on a full price ticket.

The Symposium takes place at Nottingham Trent University on 11 and 12 September with the MOVA User Group and welcome networking barbecue the day before.  Click here for details.

(Picture – JCT)


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