North Yorkshire highway workers keep dog rescue centre on all fours

North Yorkshire highways workers rebuilding the A19 at Chapel Haddlesey have gone the extra mile in the local community by raising money for Linbee Dog Rehoming in Baine.

Along with its contractors, Balfour Beatty, it has held a number of cake sales, raffles and Name the Dog scratch cards at the centre near the A19. fhave raised £130 so far with three more visits in the diary.

Founded by Linda Whitaker in 2014, Linbee Dog Rehoming has rescued and rehomed over 600 dogs up to the end of 2020. Throughout the coronavirus pandemic the centre has welcomed more dogs through its doors than ever before.

She said: “During the pandemic it has been a very challenging time for the smaller charities so members of the public and volunteers in all sectors have pulled together to help each other.

“The cake sales by North Yorkshire County Council and Balfour Beatty have helped us to continue our work helping dogs in need. We are grateful for every donation we receive so from all the Trust at Linbee Dog Rehoming we thank you.”

James Malcolm, Highways Area Manager, said: “When we awarded the A19 contract part of the promise was to give something back to the local area. Linbee Dog Rehoming is one of the chosen charities that we have been helping during the work and we will continue to do so.

“We have really enjoyed visiting the centre and seeing how our fundraising has been utilised to provide comfort and food for the animals until they find new homes. It’s wonderful to know that even though these large construction projects take up so much time and cause disruption at the end of the day locals get a new highway and we have also put something back into the community.”

The A19 at Chapel Haddlesey is now on schedule to reopen on Monday, 21 June – almost a week ahead of the planned reopening date.


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