Students in Dubai build solar-powered driverless vehicle

A group of students in Dubai have developed a solar-powered driverless car that could be used for transport between its two campus buildings in the city.

22 undergraduate engineers at the Canadian University in Dubai worked in teams to create the navigation system, power capacity and body to create the vehicle.

Feras Ahmed Usmani, a student in the Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics; who participated in the decision-making process of the project said: “By focusing on each specific significant aspect required to bring the car to life, each group contributed to the successful creation of the urban car, powered solely by solar energy.  The collective effort of the entire group was essential, as no single student or team could have achieved this alone.  The car is only as smart as the creators of it.

“We did extensive research prior to diving into the project, which helped to best prepare us for what was required during the project.  Looking back, I consider the greatest challenge was the merging of all the systems into one cohesive car that met our project requirements.  For example, ensuring the integration of the steering system and enabling the CPU to receive commands from the control centres.  The guidance from our Professors, effective student teamwork, and strong engineering skills were fundamental to the success of all the car’s developments.”

(Picture – Canadian University in Dubai)


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