The NonCrete Bio-Polymer Bollard wins at Green Apple Environment Awards

TMP Solutions has announced that its ‘innovative and eco-friendly’ NonCrete Bio-Polymer bollard has won the Green Apple Environment Award for Helping the Environment.

The bio-polymer product is made from sugar cane, weighs 3.5kgs, is fully recyclable, and is easily transported, lifted, and fitted into place. Due to the ability of sugar cane to absorb CO2 as it grows, NonCrete Bio-Polymer bollards generate negative -1.0 kgCO2e/kg, compared to their 8.6kgCO2e/kg concrete counterparts. 

TMP works closely with engineers, contractors, and designers to better understand their needs. As a result of working with Milestone Infrastructure, TMP created the NonCrete Bio-Polymer Bollard. This innovation supported Milestone Infrastructure’s drive to reduce carbon and its strategy for Safer, Greener Highways. The award has been presented to Hampshire Highways, a partnership between Milestone and Hampshire County Council, for its trial of TMP’s NonCrete Bio-Polymer bollards, replacing concrete versions.

Suzanne Day, Managing Director of TMP, said: “We are thrilled and proud that TMP’s latest initiative with Milestone Infrastructure, eco-friendly Ballard, NonCrete Bio-Polymer, won the Green Apple Environment Award for Helping the Environment. We will continue to evolve and find innovative solutions and environmentally friendly highway products.”

Simon Watson, Business Director for Milestone Infrastructure, said: “We are extremely proud this initiative has won an internationally recognised award. This would not have been possible without the support of Hampshir­e County Council, which consistently backs our drive for improvement in key areas. We continue working with TMP Solutions on other innovative highways products which will assist us in the drive towards net zero.” 



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