Three quarters of people “wouldn’t feel safe” in a driverless car

A survey of a thousand British motorists suggest that the vast majority still doubt the safety credentials of a driverless car.

Vanarama asked a series of questions about the concept of autonomy and found that 73% said they wouldn’t feel safe and only 13% would trust a driverless car to take their children to school unattended.

There seems to be a question mark over the effectiveness of the technology with four fifths of those questioned thinking they’d be able to spot a hazard better than a driverless car, while more than half would not trust one going over 30 mph.

While a third said they would “never” trust a driverless car, there are also questions about the infrastructure with nine out of ten questioned reckoning British roads aren’t ready for driverless technology.

However, 67% of motorists questioned said they would be prepared to trust a driverless car depending on how long they had been on the road, with the most common answer being between one to four years.

Read the full report here.

(Illustration – Yay Images)


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