Work Starts on £26m waterfront development in Dundee

The Minister for Local Government Empowerment and Planning Joe FitzPatrick MSP and Dundee City Council leader John Alexander have carried out the start of work ceremony on the latest £26 million development at Dundee Waterfront. 

James Thomson House will provide 51,600 square feet of Grade A office accommodation when completed in 2025. 

The building has been named after the late city architect James Thomson, who had outlined a vision for the waterfront in the early 20th century that was never realised. 

Now, around a century later, the current 30-year Dundee Waterfront Masterplan has transformed the area with major projects already delivered including V&A Dundee, the new railway station, Waterfront Place and Slessor Gardens. 

The latest development is under construction is on a site next to Agnes Husband House, which is the HQ for Social Security Scotland employing hundreds of staff. 

James Thomson House will be completed with sustainability in mind and is set to achieve EPC ‘A’ and BREEAM ‘Excellent’ environmental accreditation ratings. 

Public art by local artists will also feature as will facilities to support active travel. Two commercial units will be situated in the ground level of the six-floor building. 

A planned programme of community wealth building activities during the construction phase will bring further benefits to the area. This includes employability support for unemployed people, education visits and maximising opportunities for local suppliers and sub-contractors. 

The offices are being built on behalf of Dundee City Council by Robertson Construction and the project is being partly financed through the Scottish Government’s Growth Accelerator model. 

Joe FitzPatrick said: “This new office space development is the latest piece of the infrastructure programme that has transformed Dundee’s waterfront into an exciting destination for businesses and visitors, helping secure investment in new industries, and to attract and retain talented people from around the world. 

“The Scottish Government has committed more than £60 million in Growth Accelerator funding the Central Waterfront project and this investment has delivered spectacular results including upgrades to the railway station and a public Wi-Fi network. It proves what can be achieved with a long-term vision, community buy-in and committed leadership. 

“I was honoured to announce the new building will be named after James Thomson, the visionary master planner who had great ambitions for Dundee’s waterfront more than 100 years ago. The current work taking place in that part of the city delivers on that vision for the benefit of Dundee and Scotland as a whole.” 

Councillor Alexander said: “The success of Agnes Husband House has proved that there is a demand in Dundee for modern office space of this high quality. It is vital in our efforts to attract and sustain jobs in the city. 

“We have benefitted from significant investment from Scottish Government, and this new office development is supported by the final phase of Scottish Government Growth Accelerator funding. 

“I am heartened to hear that there is strong interest from the market place. 

“With construction at an advanced stage on the nearby BT headquarters, we are seeing an expansion in modern accommodation that is needed if we want to deliver jobs and grow our economy, making the city a better place for everyone. 

“James Thomson House has been designed with energy efficiency at its very heart and I am excited to see this work at Dundee Waterfront progressing.” 

Kevin Dickson, managing director, Robertson Construction Tayside, said:“The new office development on site six will address the growing demand for modern office workspaces in Dundee. Helping to retain and create jobs, this development is designed to the highest standards of ESG and has a focus on the wellbeing of its occupiers. 

“Creating Grade A working environments like this have the potential to drive inward investment and innovation within Dundee. It is our pleasure to continue supporting Dundee City Council’s vision of regenerating and transforming the waterfront.” 

This project was awarded to Robertson Construction Tayside by Dundee City Council through the Procurement Hub – Major Projects Framework 2 (MPF2).


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