Work to continue during lockdown says Highways England

Highways England has confirmed that work will continue during the current lockdown.

In an updated released yesterday, Malcolm Dare, Executive Director, Commercial & Procurement at Highways England said: “As with the previous lockdowns and regional restrictions Highways England will continue to operate in the C-19 compliant way that we have all collectively evolved.

“Again, the Government has stressed the importance of continuing with construction and maintaining national infrastructure and we will not be stopping any current or planned activities. I would like all suppliers to support this approach in the same way that you have supported Highways England since the start of the pandemic. Please remember that all activities must be in line with the latest Construction Leadership Council Site Operating Procedures and Government guidelines.”

He went on to say: ” It is essential that we do this in order to keep the SRN operating to support the country, the economy and to maintain cash flow to all tiers of the supply chain.

“Please also continue to work with your normal points of contact within Highways England on a daily basis. Once again thank you for your help and support in continuing to operate and deliver work on the SRN. I look forward to continuing to work with your organisations.”

A version of this statement was first published at:


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