Traffic cone loving polar bears receive generous gift from highways team

Staffordshire County Council (SCC) has treated three local polar bears to a truckload of their favourite toys – traffic cones. Peak Wildlife Park’s newest residents really enjoy playing with things that float so what better welcome gift than 30 damaged traffic cones that would have otherwise been thrown away? Highways crew members, Wayne Bridgett and […]

FixMyStreet improvements outlined in report by Bath & North East Somerset Council

Improvements to an online system where residents can report problems with highways and public spaces in Bath & North East Somerset are being set out before the council. A report before councillors on the Corporate Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel today outlines the changes that have been made to FixMyStreet to make it easier for […]

Children across Wales welcome new 20s speed limit on walk to school

There was a different look and feel for children on their trips to school this morning following the introduction of the new 20 mph speed limit. On 17 September Wales became the first UK nation to introduce a new default 20mph speed limit on most residential roads across the country.  This change is expected to […]

Arup appointed by UK Department of Transport to provide specialist technical advice

Arup has been selected as a Prime supplier on the Department for Transport (DfT) STARThree Framework, the overall value of which is £600 million. STARThree (officially known as the Specialist Technical and Commercial Advisory for Rail and Other Transport Systems Framework) looks to support the delivery of rail, road and aviation projects. Arup will provide […]

Lincolnshire County Council to invest millions more into road maintenance

Lincolnshire County Council has announced that a further £10m of funds is being ploughed into the authority’s road maintenance funds. The county council has announced that a further £10m of funds is being ploughed into the authority’s road maintenance funds. Speaking during Full Council today (Friday), Leader Martin Hill, OBE, made the announcement that the […]

First large-scale study shows success of 20mph speed limit across Scottish Borders

A study by Edinburgh Napier University has shown that the rollout of 20mph speed limits across the Scottish Borders has reduced average speeds by 3mph. With previous research showing that there is an average 4% reduction in collisions with each 1mph reduction in average speed on rural roads, the study demonstrates the significant knock-on effect […]

Armley Gyratory highways construction enters next phase to replace footbridges

The removal of the Spence Lane footbridge over the Armley Gyratory is to begin later this month. This is the first of three footbridges around the Gyratory which will be removed and replaced with new footbridges with more accessible footways, set to complete next year. Built in the early 1970’s the fifty-year-old footbridges, starting with […]


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